We are Chiral Systems

Dentistry is not a profession for the faint of heart. I’m not just talking about the years of gruelling training, or the long days spent standing before patients, tackling cavities and root canals with laser precision. Nor am I referring to the constant need for professional training, and investment in hugely expensive practice equipment.
I’m talking about everything else. You know: running a business.
The best dental practices are well-oiled operations, designed for optimal efficiency in seeing and treating patients, paired with sound business fundamentals. “Military precision” doesn’t quite come close. Those owning and managing practices have to balance both an appointment book, as well as a cheque-book, keeping both in a state of perfect equilibrium.
And then COVID-19 came along.
Overnight, everything we knew about practice management went out of the window. Dentists found themselves unable to work, save for the most exceptional of circumstances. For a period of time, routine appointments were an impossibility. Check-ups and fillings were deferred until circumstances permitted.
Over time, the industry adapted as it gained a greater understanding of this novel and highly virulent disease. These are still challenging times, but we are getting there.
Adapting, however, won’t be easy. It will require us to rethink day-to-day operations, and find innovative new solutions to old problems.
Technology is the answer. For the dental industry to weather this turbulent period, it must embrace new tools to safely process patient interactions, from check-ins to follow-ups, delivering clinical excellence while keeping an eye on the all-important bottom line.
This was true even before the pandemic. But now, it’s critical.
At Chiral Systems, we have built a secure, flexible and cost-efficient cloud-based solution that empowers practitioners to transform the workflow of your entire organisation. We purpose-built Chiral Cloud to encompass every component of practice life: from billing and appointment scheduling, to record management and communicating with patients. And we understand that safety is paramount, so we designed our software with data protection and security at the forefront.
We have years of industry experience under our belts, but that’s nothing without the perspective of practicing dentists. They’re the ones working at the coal face. So, we listen to what they need, and then we deliver it.
Most of all, we know dentists are incredibly busy. So, we designed our solution to simply integrate with the most commonly-used accounting and imaging software, and paired it with an exceptional support service that handles everything from set-up to routine maintenance and troubleshooting.
Our approach combines empathy, intelligence, and a continual striving for excellence, and will help you adapt to the “new normal.” And when we reach the other side of this pandemic, we’ll continue to help you work faster, smarter, and better.
We are Chiral Systems.
Dominic Hanlan